Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today's drywalling progress:

The north wall of the bedroom. Tres exciting, non?

Here is a closeup of one of the windows.

Next up, they'll do the returns (that's a fancy technical term; it means, "the inside of the frame of the window". I think.) Also, they worked on the exterior of the bathroom -- here's a view from the stairs.

My favorite part? They must have had extra purple drywall.

They started in on the stairwell.

Here we are going down the stairs.

Those circles are where the way-cool gooseneck lighting fixtures are going, to light up the books that will be filling up this whole wall. (You can't be a Friedman on the one hand, and a Brennan with two master's degrees and a doctorate on the other, without having a fair number of books.)

Oh, remember how I got all geeky and tried to draw the strapping on the addition that would prevent rainwater from collecting behind the siding and causing problems? Here's a box of the leftovers. The straight piece on the lower right is the original product. The curving piece to the left has been sliced in half.

As for context, we have, and will continue to have, various islands of delight throughout the lawn.

The dirt mountain, lush with weeds. Really, I think it adds a sculptural quality to the landscape that some people would pay good money for. Come to think of it, we DID pay good money for this.

Miscellaneous scraps. To the right is a staircase - you can just see the top tread, carpeted in vintage 50's yellow wall-to-wall. The same carpeting my grandparents had throughout their house. This dates back to an earlier time when we thought we'd have to temporarily enter and exit the house via the bump-out.

In the foreground to the right is the "ooops" pile of cement. That ought to be fun to remove.
The square pile of stuff is for the roofers, who allegedly arrive next week to replace the roof on the existing house - it's a tough call, replacing a vintage roof. It's practically an antique. It dates back to 1972. And you'll see the old water heater, sulking as it awaits whatever fate is in store for old water heaters.

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