Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Even the plants are better organized than I am

Take the lilac: it’s made and released seeds…

…and they’ve already made their buds for next year.

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Rhododendron: same story. As for me? I haven’t even put away my summer T-shirts yet.
I get complimented occasionally by my slavishly devoted blog fans for how Observant I am, How Great that I Notice All the Beauty in the Ordinary World Around Me.  Explain to me then how I managed to miss this entire huge shrub, right next to the Maybe Arrowwood Maybe Hydrangea shrub.
Huhhhh...? Anybody have any suggestions? It’s a shrub with opposite leaves. That’s all I got.

Deformed magnolia buds are turning red. Did you see the one where I dissected these in the hopes that they were insect galls? Turns out they were growing seeds. Ooops. Sorry.
And now for the wildflower report.
Starflower. The evergreen leaves are vinca – which, incidentally, are still throwing off purple flowers.
Yeah, I know, not as beautiful as you were hoping for, huh? It’s fall, people! Here’s what miterwort looks like when it’s flowering. And here are its positively cute-alicious seeds.
OK, one last bit of news. The other day’s fall dandelion is actually Cat’s Ear (Hypochoeris radicata). Thanks, Arianna, for figuring that out for me!
Mmmm, sweet. Relish this color, cause it’s all gonna fade soon…
The tie-breaking indicator? Fuzzy leaves.
Charlie greets his namesake flower.


  1. That flower looks just like a cat!

    Oh. Wait.

    One day will you come and inspect the plants in my yard and tell me all sorts of interesting things about them? Maybe some jokes too?

    I have cats! Black cats! And squirrels!

  2. hee hee, is that what everyone says to you now? because i feel like saying it everytime i visit here: can you come to my world and make me fall as in love with my bugs and weeds and i am with yours after you introduce me to them?
