Wednesday, September 1, 2010

hummingbirds, dragonflies, and kitty porn

I sat for s-e-v-e-r-a-l minutes about ten feet away from the hummingbird feeder, waiting for some action. A few buzzed near, but wouldn’t feed. I took the hint, and retreated another ten feet. Finally, a female showed up and took a swig from the left side of the feeder. She appeared to be bathed in red from the western sun coming through the glass of the feeder.


She backed up…


P1010533 …and went around to the other side for another go at it.


P1010534  That expression! Those little feet!



Then I happened across this guy, just sort of hanging out on a day lily stalk. It took me a while to get the camera to focus on him – I’m still working out the kinks.


Kevin, in the meantime, was fondling an enormous cantaloupe that is not yet ripe, he thinks.

Then I got all intrigued by the weeds that tend to crop up when you only mow your lawn two or three times all summer.






Something in the buckwheat family, apparently. God, I love this camera.

Oh, this next one’s from when I was first hanging out by the hummingbird feeder. Apparently you can get stuff caught between your toes with these fancy FiveFingers shoes. Charlie pointed this out to me. Incidentally, I walked all over downtown Bratt today in these puppies. Comfy as could be. Makes me feel like a ninja stealth child.


Alright, I promised kitty porn; here you go.

my handsome boy



Maggie. As soon as I took this, I wanted a do-over, since I lopped off the top of her ears. By the time I adjusted the zoom, she’d toppled over.

there’s my girl.

1 comment:

  1. RE: Dragonfly; looks to be a type of Meadowhawk.
