Sunday, September 19, 2010

another guest post from an animal control officer


I found a red tail hawk loitering on top of a Honda in the alley paralleling ECR just behind the old casino and bowling alley, behind that shop where the mean basset hound used to live at-large, now those crackheads are raising 2 white cats and a decrepit 16’ boston whaler. 

Anyway, this hawk was shitting on top of the car with gray feathers scattered about the alley this morning.  I got out of the truck and said, “hey, what are you doing?”  The hawk shit on the car again, looked toward one of the room doors from that motel where the junkies congregate, and flew onto the power lines above the alley. 

Then, next to the motel room door that opens into the dumpster section, I observed an injured, suffering pigeon in a small metal can trying to hide behind some kind of poorly maintained plant and some scrap lumber. 

The hawk looked down at me from the phone wires, and was all, like, “yeah?” 

So I told him I was issuing him a Notice Of Violation for 597.1 (Failure to Provide Adequate Veterinary Care) and gave it 30 minutes to comply- either dispatch the pigeon or show me a receipt from a licensed vet that it had sought medical attention for the pigeon.  (If I had the hawk’s Driver’s License Number and birthday I would have been able to issue it a court cite, no need for the warning.) 

I went back about 45 minutes later and was UTL (Unable to Locate) either the pigeon or the hawk.  There were more feathers on the road though.  I’ll look for that hawk tomorrow, I know where he hangs out.  I’m all about nature taking its course but that bird had an attitude problem.

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