Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Deck stairs commence

100_1105   My blogging fiend cousin Emily convinced me to try Windows Live Writer as a mechanism to create posts: this will be my first attempt. Which is ironic, since this project is winding down.

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Already, I like how the photos upload, and how much easier it is to get them to appear next to each other. But wait: you couldn’t care less about that, could you. You want to know what’s going on.

Deck stairs, that’s what. There will be six stringers: three sets of two. Originally, the guys were thinking of drilling holes for sonatubes to keep everything well-rooted, but the revised strategy is to just make everything super heavy and hope that it doesn’t wiggle with frost heaves.

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Let’s enjoy the views of snow in the woods behind the house, as seen from the stairwell windows. That snow, incidentally, wreaked havoc with our housewarming party plans on Saturday. The intrepid few – those who REALLY love us, as opposed to those other, wishy-washy friends of ours – managed to make it. And a good time was had by all. No pictures, though – I was too busy enjoying myself to remember to document it. We have a ton of wine and cider left over. And beer.

As part of getting ready for that, we spent quite a while over the past several days hanging prints.


…going up the stairs…





Today, Terry’s coming to install the last of the lighting fixtures. I’ll save that for tomorrow’s post.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that you tried it, and hope you like it!

    I love your blog. Hope you keep writing from your beautiful new desk spot when all the banging stops.

