The colors will go up next week. The concept of orange, orange, and more orange has produced a deeply divided reaction in my circle of acquaintances. If you had told me twenty years ago that I'd be this into orange I would have thought you were crazy.
It occurred to me, no kidding, only TODAY, that we need a zoning permit for the deck. DUH. (Yes, I worked in a municipal planning department for 4.5 years, can you tell?) I filled out an application and we drove it over to the town offices this afternoon.
Kevin and I spent a fair amount of time today moving all the living room furniture out of the way in preparation for next week. This gave me an opportunity to vacuum in new places. Remember when the bird crashed through the window and landed clear on the other end of the house? I sucked up at least three heretofore undiscovered pieces of glass from that little adventure.
Blog fans, there will be a break from the normal news next week: we're headed to the beach. But check back in: I'll take pictures of dolphins, ibises, egrets, and herons for you. The last time we were there, we saw a bald eagle perched in a tree in the dunes. So don't go away!
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