I found plenty of entertainment. It is just amazing how many more species there are to admire, just a half mile to two miles from the house. But I started with the locals. Remember those sleepy pink moths? They’re still around.
“Don’t worry, little lady.”
“I’ll save you.”
‘The aptly named primrose moth,’ I am informed. (Schinia Florida)
By the pole barn, where we store firewood, grass that has yet to encounter the lawn mower is in bloom.
Timothy grass, as yet not quite in bloom, with a visitor.
Later on, a mile away, the timothy grass was in full bloom.
quack grass.
OK, now we’re venturing out away from my typical haunts of late.
Bittersweet nightshade, many of them already in full-on berry mode. These berries will turn yellow, then orange, then red. A veritable rainbow – as if the flower itself weren’t gorgeous ENOUGH.
Herb robert (yes, that’s its name) – I thought the sparkly velvet flowers were done for the season, but I’m pleased to see I was wrong.
Some kind of mutant, gargantuan dandelion-style flower. Sadly, they had ALL already closed up shop, so I don’t know what color the petals (well, rays, technically) are – still, though, I ought to be able to ID it. So far, no luck.
These seed clusters were the size of my fist.
Here’s a new one for me: bladder campion (Silene cucubalus). Later on this summer, I’ll show its cousin, white campion. It grows right next to our mailbox.
Common st. johnswort – which also tends to grow near our mailbox, but I haven’t seen it yet this year.
barberpole sedge. Bonus: see the spider? I didn’t when I took the picture!
Partridgeberry – a ground cover, with red berries in the fall. I laughed when I saw how the insides are fuzzy. Kevin said maybe it’s naturally-occurring velcro.
trillium seed. joy!
red baneberry is possessed of a certain in-your-face charm, no?
this is common comfrey.
a whole hillside of day lilies.
brand-new to me: motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca).
The hiking boots feel good. That’s a relief.