Tis mid-July. You know what that means, right? Time to prepare for winter. Really.
I picked about 30 pounds of blueberries last year, and we’re down to our last bag. Just in time for this year! Yippee! Yesterday I saw the PYO (Pick Your Own) sign up on the corner near my favorite local orchard. So today, off I went.
(Imagine blueberry picking: a beautiful warm day, not too hot, puffy white clouds, the sound of quiet conversation in the other rows, nothing to do but select the biggest, bluest, ripest berries…ho hum… sound of birdsong… sound of mothers calling to their children, or instructing them in the fine art of berry selection… imagine the taste-testing necessary to calibrate the level of blue in the berries, to the level of sweetness…you wouldn’t want to accidentally be selecting the wrong ones, so better safe than sorry…)
Six pounds of berries and $11.82 later I was done for Day One.
When I got home, I saw that Kevin had been making his own preparations for winter:
He’s set out some of the pallets and brought over an initial load to stack on them.
One of the last bluets of the season?
It’s so much fun to avoid mowing your lawn. How else would you get to see this?
Our easiest to find jack-in-the-pulpit is busting out all over. Positively salacious.
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