Thursday, July 29, 2010

fruity pebbles

This post has nothing to do with breakfast cereal. I needed a title for the post, and that’s what came out of the oracle’s mouth.

So. Today dawned gorgeous, As Usual. And As Usual, my day began at 5:20 am, when the sound of Charlie’s body slamming the bedroom door finally dragged me up from dreams. We have this whole routine: he body slams. I ignore. He body slams. I ignore. Kevin sleeps through all this. And eventually, I give in.

Now, what he wants is to be fed, of course. But I scoop him up and toss gently deposit him out on the deck. And then I go back to bed.

AREN’T I MEAN? If Charlie had opposable thumbs, this is what would happen…

In other news.

I’m three runs away from the half marathon. Today’s run was a
s-l-o-w half hour – about a 10:40 pace. I had to make myself slow down, because my recent runs have been getting fast – Tuesday’s was at a blistering (for me, anyway) 8:42 pace – and my hamstrings have been bitching about it. The last thing I need now is to injure myself. This Sunday, I have the longest run yet – 14 miles, It will take me nearly three hours. After that, it’s a couple of half-hour runs and then, showtime.

Another ten pounds of blueberries found their way into our freezer today. I didn’t have the orchard to myself this afternoon…a few rows away, a mother pleaded with her children: “Olivia! Help Mommy pick blueberries!”  A few minutes later: “Where’s your sister???” …followed by “DON’T EAT THOSE! PICK YOUR OWN!” and topped off by my personal favorite, “Olivia, put your pants back on!”

This reminds me of a meal, long ago and far away, with a college boyfriend and his family. He was the oldest of six, and the youngest, coincidentally also named Sarah, was a toddler. Sarah knew about silverware, but was having none of it. Wanting an unmediated experience with her food, she buried her face in her plate. “Sarah…use your fingers…”


Our raspberries aren’t ripe yet. But these, from the orchard, were…


And out on the lawn, the watermelon pod-people are getting huge, and making more babies every day.


I swear, they are up to no good.

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