Pete and Charlotte O'Neal have been living in Tanzania since 1972. They started out with pretty much nothing, and have built up a whole compound - the United African Alliance Community Center - in a small village outside Arusha, where they run all kinds of programs for the community and visitors - ranging from classes in English, computer science, the arts (including music recording) for local students, to programs for study abroad groups from all over the United States. (Which is how we know them - Kevin helped plant the seed in their minds that hosting study abroad groups would be a good idea for all parties.) More recently, they have opened an orphanage with 22 kids on-site.
The orphanage is new since 2008. At right, a separate kitchen facility is being constructed.
About every available surface at the UAACC is painted with something inspirational.
"The Red Onion, named for Pete's dad (that was his nickname), is the central gathering space for hanging out, meals, programs, dancing, and general fun.
Sadly for us, Charlotte was not around - she was on her annual "Heal the Community" tour in the States. But we got a chance to hang out with Pete - or, to give him his due, Mzee Pete (mzee is an honorific for a male elder - the female equivalent might be "Mama", as in, Mama Charlotte).
But "Babu Pete" is probably his most cherished nickname. Here he is with a handful of his charges.
This is Joshua. Mark my words, this kid's going to be famous some day.
In return, I got a new hairstyle:
Maria was a complete doofball.
In the meantime, a sleepy bat napped above our heads:
Next up: a lioness chases a warthog...a male ostrich admires the derriere of his mate... and more elephants than we could count. Oh - and a special guest - a leopard!
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