It's been raining lately. A lot. Which means it's been pretty muddy -- so muddy, that the driveway and lawn won't support the weight of the equipment. So yesterday, we got a voicemail from the contractor warning us that we have um, a road, in the lawn now.

Here's the truck that arrived today.
...and all of the fun stuff they'll need next, to start building up the walls.
Oh, and that standing water, that I was worried about yesterday?
That was nothing. Here's what it looks like today:

My thinking is, "underground koi pond", but Kevin - as usual - thinks way bigger than me: piranha. And a second trap door, from the crawlspace, into the murky depths. That certainly is one way to handle unwanted guests.
While I was wandering around taking pictures, I wanted to illustrate the hazards of an unmowed lawn. Here's the Buddha statue - this is the statue that fell over in the trunk of the car with a loud THUD on my way home from the store. When I got home, I was dismayed to see his head had fallen off. Ooops. (They do say that if you meet the bodhisattva on the road, kill it...) You can see the traces of gorilla glue if you look closely at his neck.

And while I was getting in close to FrankenBuddha,
I saw movement in the grass: a fat frog.
We eyed one another warily.

That's it for today.