A perforated, bent strip of metal called "corner beading" is what you use to make crisp corners on the window returns.
Three roofing guys appeared today and proceeded to make an IMMENSE amount of noise scraping the roof off the original house.
The excavators came to dig the septic line and regrade the site. But you know, once you have all this big equipment on hand, there's all sorts of fun you can have with it. For instance, the old water tank, that's been languishing out on the lawn... why not just...
And that big rock that is gradually heaving itself up, a couple of inches per year, and wreaking havoc with the underside of my trusty Honda - the rock that is situated smack dab in the middle of the best parking spots on site? The one I managed to back over this very morning, while moving my car for all the guys' vehicles?
Why not dig that sucker up while we're here? It'll only take a minute.
Who's your daddy now?
Let's just move this puppy....
...over here. Out of the way.
They're not done quite yet - under that blue tarp is a bunch of fill they'll use to raise the grade a bit more here and there. Just how big is that bucket, you ask?
Oh, and how about all those other piles of big rocks that have been lying around this whole time, ever since we dug the foundation?
After that first boulder of doom got moved, Kevin and I went upstairs and met with Bonus Stephen and (correction: Alan) Alan-the-tiling-guy. We talked over our plans for the design for the tub/shower. Once Kevin and Alan got into some seriously geeky details, I wandered over to the window and watched the septic line being put in.

By the end of the day, the trench was filled in and the line's location was marked with stakes, so that when we build a deck (translation: pay our friend Michael to build a deck), we don't accidentally sink the posts into the line.
Other site improvements happened as well.

After that first boulder of doom got moved, Kevin and I went upstairs and met with Bonus Stephen and (correction: Alan) Alan-the-tiling-guy. We talked over our plans for the design for the tub/shower. Once Kevin and Alan got into some seriously geeky details, I wandered over to the window and watched the septic line being put in.
Here's the septic line itself.
Other site improvements happened as well.